Best Shepards Pie EVER
2 medium onions diced
4 cloves of garlic minced
Ground beef
1 can of low salt tomato paste
Salt and pepper
10 medium potato
Peel and boil potato with 4 whole gloves of garlic.
Meanwhile brown beef with onions. Once the beef is brown add 1 can of tomato paste, the 4 minced garlic gloves and cumin & parpika salt and pepper (enough so that it changes the color of the meat to red, pretty much to taste) put water in the tomato paste can and add to meat cook till the water is almost all gone and your left with just a sauce.
For the mashed potato, once cooked add one egg yolk and warm milk enough so that its not dry, to make them creamy mash them till theres no clumps.
In a pyrex put the meat at the bottom and add the mashed potatos on top try and make it even. Then take a whole egg beat it and put on top of the potatos covering the whole thing. Take a fork and make lines in the potatos and put in the oven on high broil just enough to see the egg brown on top and voila its ready to eat!!
by Eve Bettan