Coverting a Cisco 7940 SIP to SCCP

I had worked on this for almost two days and finally managed to figure it out… lots of people are having issues converting Cisco 7940 from SIP to SCCP…

Make sure that you have the following files in your TFTP server:

– SIPdefault.cnf: change the first line, which is image_version: “P00307000200”, you might have something like “P003-08-8-00” which . . . → Read More: Coverting a Cisco 7940 SIP to SCCP

sox: Can’t open input file ‘/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/

in FreePBX sometimes you might get the following error message in you upload an MP3:

Error Processing: “sox: Can’t open input file ‘/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/

I convert the MP3 file to WAV and it worked ok… make sure that you convert it to 11,025 kHz, 16 Bit, Mono . . . → Read More: sox: Can’t open input file ‘/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/

I’m sorry, an error has occurred – voice mail – new install

If you get the message: “I’m sorry, an error has occurred”

edit voicemail.conf in /etc/asterisk

under [default] you might find empty [] remove and save the file.. reload asterisk and this should fix it.



221 => 221,,,,attach=yes|=
226 => 226,,,,attach=no|saycid=no|envelope=no|delete=no

remove [] . . . → Read More: I’m sorry, an error has occurred – voice mail – new install

Installing Asterisk and Freepbx on Debian 5.0 (lenny)

I have recently installed Asterisk 1.4.23 on Debian Lenny… I’m sure there are lot of people looking for article in regards to Asterisk and Debian… here is a good one:

everything is explained pretty good there… There is also script designed that will kind of do A to Z to you… however, you need to pay attention . . . → Read More: Installing Asterisk and Freepbx on Debian 5.0 (lenny)